About Me

Hello, I’m Rebekah! I’m a 19 year old film student at Drexel University in Philadelphia. I was born and raised on a tiny island in the Bahamas, where it was easy to grow a love for the ocean and sunshine and just the whole world, really. I’m amazed by sunsets and sunrises and trees and flowers and nature and basically everything, if I’m being totally honest.

I believe that the universe sometimes will give us a little magic and work in our favors. I’m a big fan of warm chocolate chip cookies, flowers, books, random lovely gestures, mountains, and adventuring.

In Fall of 2016, I spent a semester on Semester at Sea, an experience that changed who I am and how I think about the world. This blog was born in an attempt to document those four months for my friends and family, and it continues to live on with some random rambling thoughts every now and again.

Special thanks to Madelynne, who inspired me to start this in the first place and always, always reminds me to be the truest form of myself, no matter what anyone else thinks.
