
“Being an artist means forever healing your own wounds and at the same time endlessly exposing them.”
– Annette Messager
Last week, I visited both the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Institute of Contemporary Art. Fortunately, they were both free (perks of being an arts student!) Unfortunately, I didn’t really enjoy either of them. They were cool to look at for a few minutes, but within ten minutes of being in each, I was kind of ready to leave.
The Philadelphia Museum of Art has a lot of cool stuff in it, and I can admire the talent and effort that goes into every single exhibit, but I just don’t find them interesting to look at and analyze. I guess to me the different pieces start to all blend together and seem similar and not that impressive. I know people (like my art history teacher) who can spend hours and hours in there and not get bored. For me, that would be tortuous.
The Institute of Contemporary Art is a different story altogether. Some things in there are cool, but a lot of it is just really weird videos that I can’t understand. For example, there was one of two men walking up to a statue, throwing a few eggs at it, and walking away. Done right, that could be cool to watch, but it was just one shaky long shot of some guys who couldn’t even aim well. I really don’t see how that is considered good enough art to put in a museum.
Don’t worry, this blog isn’t going to be all judgement of Philly museums. The good news is, I’ve come to realize that everyone on the planet has very different artistic tastes and styles. See, I’ve always been afraid of showing people my art. If I think something artsy I made is good, I’m so much less likely to show it to you then if I think it’s bad. It’s because when I make something good, it often has a piece of me connected to it. Even if it isn’t about me, I’ve probably spent so much time nurturing and growing it that an insult to it will feel like a knife to the heart. But I know now that art is so subjective. Just like everyone likes different kinds of music, we all like different kinds of art. So don’t be afraid to share yours with others! There will always be people who don’t like it, and there’ll be people who love it and analyze it and find meaning you didn’t even mean to put in it. When people judge your work, you have to just think about how I judge the works of Picasso and Donatello. They are obviously talented, but it just isn’t my taste and that’s okay.
So keep an open mind. Share your ideas. Respect what other people make. Focus on loving what you make, and don’t worry what other people think about it.
Rebekah Joya


“Home is where your mom is.”

To all mom’s out there, Happy Mother’s Day! I hope your kids are showing you lots of love today. To those who still live with your kids, I hope you woke up to a nice breakfast, handmade cards, or a thoughtful gift.
To my mom, sorry I couldn’t be there today! I’m missing you a little extra today and I can’t wait to see you soon. It’s not fun being away from you for so long but know that I miss you and I’m always doing my best to act in a way that would make you proud.
Here’s some reasons why you’re the best mom I could ever ask for:
  1. You cook all of my favorite food. I’m missing your cooking so much right now. I need some good food man.
  2. You buy me nice things. For my birthday, for christmas, for easter, just because.
  3. You give me great advice, like “all roads lead to the same place.”
  4. You’re so very loving. You write me cute notes and do the sweetest things.
  5. Even though you may not understand all of the things I’m doing in college, you listen to me try to explain it in long winded phone calls even when I confuse myself trying to explain.
  6. You send me funny snapchats. So many of them. I’m starting to agree with my brother… maybe we should take away your snapchat. 😛
  7. You (try to) surprise me (but usually I figure it out.)
  8. You only want the best for me.
To everyone else reading, make sure you tell your mom why you love her. Everyone needs a reminder sometimes. And don’t let these special holiday’s be the only time you reach out to those you love. Appreciate who you have as often as you can.
See you in a few weeks mom!
Rebekah Joya

Making the Best

“Hitch your wagon to a star.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most universities in the US are going through finals week right now. Here at Drexel, we have 5 more weeks until finals, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Not because I’m scared of finals or not prepared, but just because I really, truly don’t want this academic year to end.

A lot of my peers can’t wait for summer break. They’re excited to go home, and get away from here, and frankly, I don’t get that at all. Of course I want to go home and be warm and with my family and friends, but I’d rather it be a week or two of break and then come back and get back into the moment I’m in right now. We’ve fallen into a routine of sorts, I’ve gotten used to that and I love my life so much right now.
People are always complaining that college is boring, and there’s nothing fun to do, and it’s all work, and I really don’t get that. I literally do not have any free time at all, I don’t even have a second to spare to think that I’m bored and not having fun. Between classes (which are super fun because I love my major) and clubs/other activities related to school (also fun) and hanging out with friends and working on projects (so fun) and everything, I’m filled right up to the brim. Any moment I have is spent exploring Philly, finding fun events on campus and in the city and cool things to do (there are too many of them to be able to do them all.)
So, if you’re thinking your life sucks and you’re constantly bored with nothing to do, maybe you aren’t looking hard enough. You’ll never get an exciting life if you stay in bed all day. Go out. Meet people. Explore.
Rebekah Joya
ps: I missed last week’s blog… oops! I swear that was a one time thing, hopefully. 😛